O firmě

Forest The company was founded in 1997 as a company trading fresh sawn logs and timber.

Continuously the focus moves towards the trade of sawn timber and semi-products for furniture industry. In the fresh sawn logs we focus on valued sorts of leaved and coniferous species.

Another development goes the direction of trading lumber and sawn timber of higher added value – dried sawn timber and semi-products. We have built a sales network storage for small and medium processors.

Next step towards growing the business was made by the beginning of our own production of solid wood panels. These enriched our assortment together with side boards, and sawn veneers (top layer veneer) for production of floors or other products.

The last item to broaden our offer became tropical sawn timber and strips and solid tropical wood panels. Our company is a direct importer of exotic timber from Camerun, Brazil, Argentina and Southeast Asia.

For similar activity in Slovakia the subsidiary company Translignum SK was founded being based in Liptovský Mikuláš.